Offline - 11 jaar




No one can ruin your day without your permission!!!!!

Most people will be about as happy as they decide to be!!!!!

Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have!!!!

Success stops when you do!!!!

Life is a journey not a destination, enjoy the trip!!!!!

The biggest illusion in the world:“When I get what I want I will be happy.”

Remember not getting what you want is sometimes the biggest luck of all!!!


Look for opportunities not guarantees!!!!

Life is not what was, life is not what’s coming, Life is what is right here right now!!!!

‘Now’ is the most interesting time of all!!!

Success is getting up one more time!!! And try again!!!!

And if you fail……try again!!!!!


If you do the things that make your heart sing...your life will get better and better!!!

If you don’t start……… it’s certain you won’t arrive!!!!


We often fear the things we want the most!!!!

Think in terms of love not in terms of fear!!!!

Think positive always!!!! Then you will attract only positive in your life!!!!

Whatever you want to be….. Whatever you are searching for…. you already have everything inside you!!!


Every change in your life starts with making the choice to change.

When things go wrong……… don’t go with them!!!


If you lose…… don’t lose the lesson!!!!


When you discover you have made a mistake, immediately take steps to correct it!!!!

Love yourself more than anybody in this world.

Be grateful, every day, for as many things you can think of, and your life will always be filled with love!!!!! 

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